Facing Fear - A Bible Study on Fear and Faith
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Facing Fear: A Bible Study on Fear and Faith

FEAR. We all have the capacity to make it our constant companion. Chronic fear can paralyze us, keeping us stuck in misery and brokenness. This is never more true than in the aftermath of a shattered heart! When the world turns upside down, it can be difficult to figure out how to reconcile fear and faith.

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Psalms 139 The Power of God's Love for Me
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Psalms 139: The Power of God’s Love for Me

Psalms 139 is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Bible. It paints a beautiful picture of God’s tender, intimate love and care for each of us! When we stop to consider who God is; how very great He is, it’s so humbling to then realize that He takes the time to know each of us so well. Who am I that He would consider me? Who am I that He would care about me? My life is but a breath and yet He counts me worthy of His great love! I am so thankful!

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Psalm 37: How to Trust God in Difficult Times featured image
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Psalm 37: How to Trust God in Difficult Times

After facing an intimate betrayal, or any other trial for that matter, we all have to figure out how to trust God in difficult times. We’re tempted to believe that when life is hard it’s somehow an indication that God has abandoned us, or that He is untrustworthy. But it is a lie. In times like these, passages like Psalm 37 offer encouragement, hope, and a wonderful model around which we can build prayers to calm our anxious hearts. The Psalm 37 message teaches us to delight in the Lord, it reminds us of the ultimate fate of both the wicked and those who choose to follow God, it reassures us that the Lord is fighting for us, but most important, it shows us exactly how to trust God in difficult times.

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Do I Trust God's Plan for Me
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Do I Trust God’s Plan For Me? 

Let’s be honest, we don’t often find ourselves on the mountain tops of life questioning God’s goodness, or His plan for us. It is in the depths that these questions surface. It is beneath the crushing weight of life’s sorrows that God’s good plan begins to feel like a far off fairy-tale written for someone else. This is when we must force ourselves to answer the question: Do I TRUST God’s GOOD plan for me?

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How to Respond to the Infinite God of the Bible
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

How to Respond to the Infinite God of the Bible 

For the past four weeks we’ve been studying the Bible to learn some of what the Infinite God has revealed to us about Himself. We discussed His identity as the Triune God, and unpacked the unique characteristics of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Today, we’ll wrap up this series with a look at His infinite qualities, and how we should respond.

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God the Spirit - Knowing the Holy Spirit
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

God the Spirit – Knowing the Holy Spirit.

We’ve been working our way through a study of the One God of the Bible. In week one we examined how He reveals Himself in the form of three unique Persons. Then we spent a week studying the Father, one studying the Son, and now we have reached the week in which we’ll examine Scripture to see what we can learn about God the Spirit.

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Getting to Know Jesus - God the Son
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Getting to Know Jesus – God the Son 

We have embarked upon a 5-week study to know God. We started by learning about the Trinity – three Persons united as one God. Last week we learned about God the Father: His authority, sovereignty, adoption, discipline; His role as the One to whom we pray, and His love. This week we are going to study Scripture to learn what we can about God the Son. Friends, there is no way to contain all there is to be known of Jesus in one blog post, so this is going to be both long, and shockingly inadequate. I’ve done my best to hit the most important aspects while keeping it simple.

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Discovering God Our Father
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Discovering God Our Father

Last week we decided to take a little break from all the betrayal trauma stuff and spend some time studying and getting to know our God. We started this five-week study by learning about the triune nature of God: how He can be both three distinct Persons, and the One God. For the next three weeks we’ll be learning about each member of the Godhead starting today with God the Father.
There are many attributes shared by all three members of the Trinity like omniscience and omnipotence, but there are also qualities that set Father, Son, and Holy Spirit apart. So, let’s take a look at some of the characteristics that make God the Father who He is.

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Getting to Know God by Understanding the Trinity
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Getting to Know God by Understanding the Trinity

Let’s take a little break from all the sexual addiction and betrayal trauma content and spend a few weeks just getting to know our God a little better. Sometimes I need to step away and focus on my Savior, don’t you? Let’s spend the next 5 weeks doing a little study on God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This week we’ll learn about the Trinity. After that we’ll take three weeks dedicating one to each Person of the Godhead. Finally, in the fifth week we’ll examine our role – what should our response be to God? The goal of all this is simple: We want to know God! We want a deep and abiding relationship with Him. Every great relationship includes a sincere desire for intimacy. A quick read through of Psalms 139 demonstrates God’s personal knowledge of us, so let’s be inspired to get to know Him too.

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Using Principles of Biblical Interpretation to Understand the Promises of Psalms 91
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Using Principles of Biblical Interpretation to Understand the Promises of Psalms 91

It is imperative to a life of victory that we learn how to properly understand and then trust the promises of God. I’ve told you before about the time I found myself so buried in despair it felt like God was a liar. My circumstances seemed to contradict passages like Psalms 91. I didn’t feel like God was protecting me. It felt like the evils He promised wouldn’t touch me were actually consuming me!
What I’ve learned in the years since that time is this: I have to allow God to give me a proper understanding of His promises. I need eyes to see and ears to hear what He’s teaching me. When Scripture seems to contradict reality, I have to first allow the Word of God to interpret the Word of God. Then, I have to choose to believe it. Whether it seems true or not.

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How Biblical Boundaries Put God in Control
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

How Biblical Boundaries Put God in Control

If you’ve been with us for the past 5 weeks, we’ve been working our way through a series on Biblical boundaries. We’ve learned a lot! Today, we’re finally going to wrap this series up with a quick reminder of who’s in control. What it’s so easy to forget in the midst of all the chaos of life is that being obedient to God in this area (really in any area) allows us to step out of the way and Him to do His work. It puts God in control!

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5 Examples of Healthy Boundaries We Learn From God
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

5 Examples of Healthy Boundaries We Learn from God.

As followers of Christ, our goal is to become like Him. For that reason, there is much we can learn about what healthy boundaries look like based simply on how He makes boundaries with us. Here are 5 principles we can learn by observing His example.

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Defining Boundaries God's Way
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Defining Boundaries – God’s Way 

Establishing strong, Biblical boundaries is one of the hardest, yet most important things for a betrayed wife to do. Really, for any believer to do. Unfortunately, it’s a task that leaves most of us wondering where and how to even start. Many of us have spent our lives believing that unconditional love looks different than the Bible actually describes it. But God sets strong boundaries with us, and He makes it clear in Scripture that we are to do the same in our relationships. All of them. So, we’re going to spend the next 6 weeks exploring what the Bible has to say about boundaries. We’ll learn what Biblical boundaries look like, how to set them up, and how being obedient in this area ultimately puts God in control.

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Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Fall on Your Knees: A Reflection on Our Dear Savior’s Birth

Drawing inspiration from my favorite Christmas song of all time, we are transported to that holy night of our dear Savior’s birth. We witness the miracle of Immanuel through the eyes of the shepherds, the wise men, and finally, through the wonder of our own eyes!

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Verse of the Day
You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. Galatians 3:2
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