Broken Women finding
Wholeness in Christ
We’re all broken women! Every one of us is in need of some kind of healing. We believe this can only be found through wholeness in Christ. At His Dearly Loved Daughter Ministries, we’re learning to run to the only source of true healing – the Lord Jesus Christ. As we openly share our own story of healing and offer Bible studies and other resources, we pray others will discover along with us who God is, how to find identity in Him, and the power He gives to live a victorious life – healed and whole and dearly loved!
Oh Lord, if You heal me, I will be truly healed; if You save me, I will be truly saved. My praises are for You alone.
Jeremiah 17:14
Are you here looking for our affair recovery content? Don’t worry, it’s not gone. It’s just moved. You can still find all the old resources, plus many more at our new site, Broken Vows Restored Hearts. Check it out!
The Steps to finding Wholeness in Christ
So often, when life gets harder than we ever imagined it could and people we should have been able to trust hurt us deeply, broken women begin to question the goodness of a sovereign God who allowed such horrors in the first place. This is when we MUST fight those lies with a deep dive into Scripture to discover who God is. We need to know and believe that He is good, He is true, and He is completely faithful. We must learn to walk in the fear of the Lord as we recognize that He is holy, righteous, all powerful, and completely sovereign. Finally, we must fall before Him in humility as we discover how deeply and completely He loves us and in turn surrender our whole selves to Him.
Once we know who God is and have surrendered our lives to Him, we’ve begun the process of finding Wholeness in Christ. The next step in the healing process is learning to let go of all the baggage we’ve gathered throughout our lives. These things have told us who we are long enough, we don’t want to be broken women anymore. It’s time to instead allow the One who created us to define us. God has a whole lot to say in the Bible about who we are in Him. He tells us we are chosen by Him, adopted into His family, and uniquely designed for a purpose. That means no matter what anyone else might think or say about us, the God of the universe desires deep, intimate relationship with us and wants to empower us to fulfill our divine calling! Why would we ever accept a label from anyone else?
There is a promise I can make. If we really do discover the God of the Bible and believe that He is who He says He is, and if we surrender our lives to Him and learn to find our identity in Him, the day WILL come when we will find wholeness in Christ. We don’t have to be broken women anymore. That trauma that seemed certain to always define us can be left in the past and through the power of the Holy Spirit who lives in us victorious life will be our reality. As His Dearly Loved Daughters, we want to be sure we’re dealing with that place too! We don’t want to focus only on the healing, but also on the reality of a life redeemed and restored!
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Daily Devotional and Latest from the Blog

Check out today's encouragement at Hope for Today
In our daily devotional feature, you'll find a short passage from Scripture coupled with a few paragraphs of encouragement from us to help you lean into God's Word as you heal.
From the Blog:

Asking God for Wisdom: How to Get Wisdom from God in 5 Steps
It’s time to wrap up our wisdom series by learning how to get wisdom from God. It’s one thing to know what the Bible says

What the Bible Says About Wisdom in the New Testament
We’re halfway through a series all about wisdom. We’ve defined wisdom, learned where it comes from, discovered why it’s important, and begun to learn what

100+ Old Testament Wisdom Scriptures that Show Wisdom Comes from God
This is the second post in our wisdom series. Last time, we compiled some definitions of wisdom and learned the important truth that wisdom comes

What is Wisdom and Why is Wisdom Important?
Let’s kick off a series all about wisdom. What is wisdom? How do I get it? Where does it come from? What does the Bible

6 Attributes of God that Prove God is Trustworthy
When life gets really hard – like, the kind of tough that makes us long for the sweet release of death – it’s difficult not

A Slave to Righteousness: Studying Romans 6-8
A slave to righteousness – have you ever wondered what that really means? In Romans 6-8, the Bible talks about two types of slaves: the