Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Fall on Your Knees: A Reflection on Our Dear Savior’s Birth

Drawing inspiration from my favorite Christmas song of all time, we are transported to that holy night of our dear Savior’s birth. We witness the miracle of Immanuel through the eyes of the shepherds, the wise men, and finally, through the wonder of our own eyes!

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Stories and Lessons from Our Western Africa 2017 Family Trip
Living Victoriously

Stories and Lessons from Our Western Africa 2017 Family Trip

t’s been a little over two months since our big family trip to western Africa, but it all still seems so fresh! We’re still talking about it almost every day. In fact, just this morning as we were driving our youngest son to school, he asked if we could go back tomorrow. How we wish we could! Apart from missing all the wonderful people we left behind over there, we’ve also had time to process all that God taught us on that amazing trip, and we long for more! God opened our eyes in so many ways. May we keep them open and continue to pursue His purposes surrounding our lives and ministries! I’d like to take this week and next to share a few more stories, and some of our final thoughts to wrap up the Africa 2017 series. God willing, there will be many more Africa visits to come!

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John 17 - Jesus's Prayer for Unity (That Time Jesus Prayed for You)
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

John 17: Jesus’s Prayer for Unity (That Time Jesus Prayed for You)

I have felt such a heavy burden for the church (the body of Christ) in recent months! I’ve seen such beauty displayed among its members at times that I feel as if I’ve gotten a glimpse of heaven. Yet, I’ve also seen so much damage being done. I’ve seen ministries torn down, precious people wounded, and I’ve felt the heart of my Savior break over what should never be! The Spirit has led me again and again to John 17, whispering to my soul, “This is my deepest desire – the greatest longing of my heart!” I feel compelled to appeal once more to the small audience I have and ask us all to revisit this passage together, asking God to lead us to the cry of His heart. Asking Him to make us one. So, let’s look together at John 17 – the passage in which Jesus prays for His precious church.

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Following God when Faith Costs You Everything
Living Victoriously

Following God when Faith Costs You Everything

This is a true story, but names have been changed and places have been kept very vague. The people in this story live in a part of the world where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Telling their story puts them in danger, but they want people to know what God is doing. God is using these brave believers in mighty ways, but they need our help. They need our prayers, and they need our support.

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How to rest in the names of God - A Sleep Exercise
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

How to Rest in the Names of God: A Sleep Exercise

When my mind is racing, and I find sleep impossible, there’s a fun little game I play with God to focus my mind on Him. Often times, this simple act of discipline is all it takes to calm my anxieties and bring rest.

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Psalms 56 - God is On My Side, What Can Mere Mortals Do To Me
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Psalms 56: God is On My Side, What Can Mere Mortals Do to Me?

The sin of sexual addiction runs rampant in our world and people are hurting! Families are being destroyed. Hearts are being broken. Lives are being ruined and even lost! The enemy is winning far too many battles. It can be easy to question where God is in all of these stories. To begin to doubt His sovereignty and His loving care. But Scripture reminds us that He is there. He is working, even when we can’t see it. The enemy may seem to be winning the battles, but the war is already won. I would like to share a Psalm that I hope will be a great encouragement to the precious women who are hurting so badly right now because of it.

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Verse of the Day
For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. 1 Peter 1:18-19
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