An Ephesians Bible Study
Join us in a Bible study through the book of Ephesians as we seek to answer the question, “Who am I?” together.
Our goal is to come before the God who created us and allow Him to give us our labels. He’s the one who gets to tell us who we are! And when we learn to find our identity in Christ, it no longer matters what people might think or say about us. We can live our lives in freedom, knowing exactly what the God of the universes says about who we are.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blesses us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ. Even before He made the world, God loved us and choses us in Christ to be holy and without fault in His eyes. – Ephesians 1:3-4
Ephesians Bible Study Resources
The Identified Series
As we dig into this Ephesians bible study to find our identity in Christ, we must first be sure the message applies to us. We need to know we’re identified as one of God’s holy people. This means we need to understand how to be saved according to the Bible.
We’re asking, “Who am I?” in this series. Ephesians 1 begins to answer that question with the knowledge that we are chosen by God, purchased out of our slavery to sin, and adopted into His family forever. This is how He has identified us!
Let’s look at the first half of Ephesians 2 to further discover our identity in Christ. Without Christ we were dead in sin, so let’s learn what it means to be alive in Christ.
We’re learning about covenants as we continue to pursue and understanding of our identity in Christ. As citizens of the Kingdom of God, we’ve been grafted in to the nation of Israel and can be identified by every covenant promise of God!
Our physical bodies are uniquely designed to serve a purpose, and the body of Christ is no different. Who am I in that body? That’s what we’re finding out.
Who am I and what is my part in God’s Eternal Plan? As we’re discovering our God-given purpose, we’ll find our place as one that many generations have waited for as the mysteries of God are revealed to us.
We want to let the profound truths about our identity in Christ sink down into God’s love like roots that keep us secure in the knowledge that we are complete in Christ.
We’re learning about our calling and gifting. God has uniquely identified us, not simply to benefit our own lives, but so those gifts will spill out of us and pour onto the entire body of Christ.
Way back in Ephesians 1 we learned about our identity as those sealed by the Holy Spirit. This time, we’re looking deeper into what that means to discover the power we’ve been given to live righteously.
As part of our identity in Christ we must become imitators of the One who has made us new. Our God is light, the Bible tells us there is no darkness in Him. His children must be living in the light.
Everything we’ve learned in this Ephesians bible study has led up to this. We’re identified to be different and stand out from the rest of the world. We’re set apart for God!
As we close out this series, and our Ephesians Bible study we learn about God’s Armor, and how it comes along with our identity in Christ. Now, we are fully prepared.