How to Restore Hope and Joy by Living a Thankful Life
Living Victoriously

How to Restore Hope and Joy by Living a Thankful Life

It’s no secret that God wants his people to be joyful. In John 15:11, Jesus tells His disciples, “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with My joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”
In Galatians 5, joy is listed second, behind only love as a product of the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers.
But sometimes life just sucks, and it can be really hard to be joyful at those times. Especially when our specific situations start to feel hopeless. So let’s learn how a little bit of thankfulness can help us reclaim our joy!

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Cultivating a Thankful Heart so God Can Restore what is Broken
Living Victoriously

Cultivating a Thankful Heart so God Can Restore what is Broken 

Thanksgiving has been my favorite holiday for a long time, so when life made this time difficult, I had to learn to redeem what the enemy had broken. So, I’d love it if you’d join me through these weeks leading up to Thanksgiving here at His Dearly Loved Daughter as we focus in on cultivating a heart of thanksgiving. There really is great power in this one little discipline, so we’re going to reclaim what has been broken and hand it over to the Master Builder to be lovingly restored.

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How to Move Past the Pain: Looking Beyond Yourself when Jesus is Calling
Living Victoriously

How to Move Past the Pain: Looking Beyond Yourself when Jesus is Calling

You guys, God is doing a work in my heart! Jesus is calling to me. I have been processing with Him ever since we got back from our trip to Senegal at the beginning of June. I’ve been almost paralyzed; unable to write because there were just so many thoughts swirling around in my head. I still don’t know exactly what He’s up to, but there are some things I do know, and I’d really love to share them with you.

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5 Rules for Setting Boundaries from Boundaries in the Bible
Living Victoriously

5 Rules for Setting Boundaries from Boundaries in the Bible.

We’ve been spending some time learning about Biblical boundaries over the past 3 weeks. We’ve already spent two weeks defining and laying out some Biblical principles surrounding the establishment of good, healthy boundaries, and there are still 2 more weeks to go. Today we ask, what’s a boundary rule, and what does the Bible say about setting them?

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Defining Boundaries God's Way
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

Defining Boundaries – God’s Way 

Establishing strong, Biblical boundaries is one of the hardest, yet most important things for a betrayed wife to do. Really, for any believer to do. Unfortunately, it’s a task that leaves most of us wondering where and how to even start. Many of us have spent our lives believing that unconditional love looks different than the Bible actually describes it. But God sets strong boundaries with us, and He makes it clear in Scripture that we are to do the same in our relationships. All of them. So, we’re going to spend the next 6 weeks exploring what the Bible has to say about boundaries. We’ll learn what Biblical boundaries look like, how to set them up, and how being obedient in this area ultimately puts God in control.

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Psalms 19 - Seeking God with All Your Heart
Finding My Identity in Christ

Psalms 19 – Seeking God with All Your Heart

When hearts are broken, seeking God is often the last thing we want to do. The enemy is quick to use these terrible moments to convince us we “can’t” seek Him. To convince us we’re too broken, too incapacitated. It. Is. A. Lie, dear sisters. He knows the best way to keep us broken is to keep us as far away from God as he can. We can choose to run or hide. We can make excuses. We can blame others. But the truth is, we’re simply hurting ourselves. The good news is, He will pursue us. He will continue to call for as long as it takes to convince us to come out of hiding and seek Him again. When we finally do, what healing there is in His glorious presence! Why do we wait so long to accept that healing?
Join me in looking at Psalms 19. As we dissect this passage, may it break down our walls and convince us to come running back into His open arms!

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Living Victoriously

What Surviving Betrayal Taught Me About Self-Care Part 2

Today we’re going to examine how self-care relates to “His body.” Last week we looked to the example of Jesus to try and learn what true, Biblical self-care looks like. We discovered that Jesus did, in fact, practice self-care during His time here on earth. Though, it didn’t really look much like the picture the world tries to paint for us.
Jesus made spending time alone with His Father a priority. He went through grueling spiritual preparations before entering into battle with Satan. He was in tune with the Holy Spirit, and willing to change His plans if God led Him a different way. Each of these things required intention, and Jesus was committed to taking care of Himself in order to be fully equipped for the job to which His Father had called Him. Are we called to anything less? (If you have a few minutes, and you didn’t have a chance to read last week’s post, do it now. It lays a solid foundation for what we’re going to discuss today.)
Now let’s look a little more closely at one surprising area in which the Bible calls us to be intentional in our self-care efforts.

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Stories and Lessons from Our Western Africa 2017 Family Trip
Living Victoriously

Stories and Lessons from Our Western Africa 2017 Family Trip

t’s been a little over two months since our big family trip to western Africa, but it all still seems so fresh! We’re still talking about it almost every day. In fact, just this morning as we were driving our youngest son to school, he asked if we could go back tomorrow. How we wish we could! Apart from missing all the wonderful people we left behind over there, we’ve also had time to process all that God taught us on that amazing trip, and we long for more! God opened our eyes in so many ways. May we keep them open and continue to pursue His purposes surrounding our lives and ministries! I’d like to take this week and next to share a few more stories, and some of our final thoughts to wrap up the Africa 2017 series. God willing, there will be many more Africa visits to come!

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Following God when Faith Costs You Everything
Living Victoriously

Following God when Faith Costs You Everything

This is a true story, but names have been changed and places have been kept very vague. The people in this story live in a part of the world where Christians are persecuted for their faith. Telling their story puts them in danger, but they want people to know what God is doing. God is using these brave believers in mighty ways, but they need our help. They need our prayers, and they need our support.

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How to rest in the names of God - A Sleep Exercise
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

How to Rest in the Names of God: A Sleep Exercise

When my mind is racing, and I find sleep impossible, there’s a fun little game I play with God to focus my mind on Him. Often times, this simple act of discipline is all it takes to calm my anxieties and bring rest.

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Verse of the Day
But as the Ark of the Lord entered the City of David, Michal, the daughter of Saul, looked down from her window. When she saw King David leaping and dancing before the lord, she was filled with contempt for him. 2 Samuel 6:16-23
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