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I’ve read the most wonderful book, Nuggets from the Heart, by Rosie Chavez Williams. If you’re looking for something encouraging to read, this is it! It’s a heart-warming compilation of short stories and testimonies from Rosie’s life. All of which point back to our wonderful Savior and His unfailing love and faithfulness. 

A Little Bit About Rosie

Rosie Chavez Williams, author of Nuggets from the Heart

I first “met” Rosie almost a year ago when I started blogging. She was a member of some of the same blogging groups I joined, and she took notice of me and my writing very early on. She became one of my biggest cheer-leaders and encouragers over the first several months of my blogging journey. Truth be told, Rosie is likely one of the biggest reasons I stuck with it. She encouraged me at all the right times and in all the right ways. Most of those times I doubt she even knew how desperately I needed the words of encouragement she offered, but she was obedient to the leading of God and gave them freely. 

Beyond that, I genuinely loved Rosie’s writing as well. I became a huge fan of her blog, devouring many of her wonderful “nuggets,” so many of which spoke right into my heart straight from the throne of God! Rosie has such a gift for capturing the most profound truths in the simplest of stories. When she sits down to write, every day comings and goings will turn into powerfully convicting object lessons that flow from the tip of her pen into the deepest depths of our souls! God has truly gifted her, and I am honored to call her friend! 

Like most of us, the story of Rosie’s life hasn’t unfolded into neat and perfectly planned pages of rainbows and sunshine. She has faced heartaches, trials, pain, and brokenness. But just as she is eager to recognize the lessons in the mundane, Rosie is equally quick to see God’s hand in the mess. She uses the stories of pain and heartache to point us all back to our good, good Father.  

Nuggets from the Heart by Rosie Chavez Williams
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Nuggets from The Heart 

The book begins with one of Rosie’s classic object lessons. She reminds us, through the simple appearance of Robbins on her front lawn, that the seasons of life come and go. That even though we may be facing a struggle that seems like it might break us today, winters never last forever. Spring will always follow. The Robbins will always come back. She goes on in the very next nugget to reinforce that truth with a reminder of God’s faithfulness even through the storms. She reminds us that we serve a covenant God, and that He is faithful to keep His promises. Though the storms may rage, the rainbow is on its way! 

From there, Rosie goes on to encourage each of us to tell our stories. She gives testimony to how God has used her story, and promises that He wants to do the same with each of us. She says,  

I can’t tell you how many times I get chills down my spine while reading Rosie’s nuggets! If that quote didn’t do it, just keep reading! From there, her book continues to inspire each of us to become who God has called us to be! To find our everything in Him. To trust Him through the hills and the valleys. To recognize His hand in the details and thank Him for His tender care. She challenges us to persevere in our faith, to be willing to let Him use us, (even the messy, ugly stuff!) to always let Him lead, and to walk in obedience and leave the results to Him. She encourages us to diligently plant our seeds of love, even when it seems like it’s not making a difference. She says,  

What are You Waiting For? Buy this Book TODAY!!! 

There is so much encouragement jam-packed into this wonderful book. I’m convinced that no matter who you are, or where you are, you would be blessed beyond measure by it’s beautiful truths. It also makes a wonderful gift for anyone you know that might need a good pick-me-up! I gave several out as gifts for Christmas and have already been asked to place an order for several more by those who were blessed by the book and want to pass on the blessing to others. I don’t want to give away too much of what Rosie has to share, but I will leave you with one more beautiful quote: 

Cherith Peters

Cherith Peters

I am a wife, mother, and passionate follower of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. After the realities of my husband's sexual addiction and infidelities finally came to a head, I began blogging about our journey to healing. God has worked many miracles in our life and marriage since then, and grown a ministry committed to helping others find the healing in Christ that changed our story forever!

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6 thoughts on “Book Review – Nuggets from the Heart”

  1. ‘Your story can’t save the entire world. But it may just point others to the only One who can save it… Dare to share your story. Shout it. Whisper it. But tell it. Someone is desperate to hear it!’
    This statement is so encouraging to me!! Thanks for a lovely review! I’m adding this book to my “To-Read” list!

    1. I love that quote too Lindsey! It hit me hard when I read it. Actually, it hits me hard every time I read it! I’m glad you’re going to read it. I just know you’ll love the book.

    1. It’s so scary, Donna! But I can say that God is certainly showing me that if He calls me to it, He will equip me through it.

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The Lord delights in those who fear Him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love. Psalms 147:11
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