This Day in History: 0000-11-12

November 12 – 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God‘s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Do you ever find yourself thinking, “I wish I knew God’s will for me”? I do. Difficult decisions arise and, desiring to please Him, I wonder which path He would have me choose.

There isn’t anything wrong with that. Or, at least, I don’t think there is. But, there are several places in Scripture where God lays out His will for us with plain simplicity. This is one of those places. When He gives us the benefit of such clear instruction, shouldn’t we take note and do our best to comply?

This isn’t to say we shouldn’t still seek His will in the decisions. I think we should. However, I think when we’re being faithful to live out His will as it has been clearly defined, Scripture makes it clear He will then show us which path to take in other areas.

So, what can we do to please Him?

  • Always be joyful

It doesn’t say always be happy. I don’t think that’s possible, and I don’t think it would be healthy either. The Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes there is a time to laugh and a time to weep. Romans commands us to mourn with those who mourn. I don’t really know how to be happy while mourning, but, I DO know how to be joyful even through the deepest grief!

Joy is not an emotion, so it is not dependent upon circumstances or mood. Rather, joy is an inner hope. A calm assurance that comes from an understanding of the One who sits on the throne. It is a faith that keeps our spirits alive with the confidence of a secure eternity. Joy is the character quality that radiates from the countenance of the child of God who is filled with His Holy Spirit. Let’s delight our Father and choose joy today!

  • Never stop praying

God’s will is for us to never stop talking to Him!! Isn’t that delightful? Despite His grandeur, the God of the universe desires to hear from YOU in every moment of every day! He longs to commune with you.

The only reason I can think of to ever stop praying is that we think He doesn’t want to hear us. We convince ourselves that we’re somehow wearing Him out or becoming obnoxious to Him. But it is a lie. So, let’s start now! Let’s allow our prayers to flow from us as constantly as does our breath.

  • Be thankful in all circumstances

Here’s the thing about our Lord. While it may seem to our fallen minds like this one is for Him, it’s really for us! While it’s true that He is worthy of all our praise, and that we were created to bring Him glory, the goodness of our God is such that even the things He asks of us that seem to be for Him are really for us!

He doesn’t ask us to thank Him in all circumstances because He needs our validation. He is God! He needs nothing. He desires an attitude of thanksgiving because that is the attitude that will unlock a life of blessing.

So let’s begin today and live according to will of our Heavenly Father. As we acknowledge Him in all we do, we can rest assured that He will show us which path to take.