This Day in History: 0000-11-10

November 10 – Ezra 3:11

With praise and thanks, they sang this song to the Lord: “He is good! His faithful love for Israel endures forever!” Then all the people gave a great shout, praising the Lord because the foundation of the Lord’s Temple had been laid.

Let’s take a little time this morning to remember some of the mighty things the Lord has done for His people throughout history.

  • He saved Noah and his family from the flood and preserved a remnant of His people
  • Through Joseph, He made a way for His people to survive during a time of famine
  • Through Moses, He rescued His people from Egypt and provided for them in the wilderness
  • Despite the disobedience of the Israelites, God allowed the children of those who rebelled to enter into the promised land, and through Joshua made a way before them as they took the land.
  • Through hundreds of years, as generations rejected Him, God faithfully raised up many leaders to draw them back to Himself and renew His covenant with them.
  • When the people’s rebellion had reached the point that God was forced to enact His boundaries and separate Himself from them for a time, He was faithful to preserve a remnant of people who were still devoted to Him.
  • After the time of their separation had passed, and the people were ready to return to the Lord their God, He made a way for them, through people like Nehemiah and Ezra, to be able to return to Jerusalem and rebuild what had been destroyed.

In this passage, that remnant has returned to Jerusalem, and spent quite a bit of time working very hard amidst serious adversity to rebuild the temple of the Lord that had been destroyed during the siege. As they finish laying the foundation they are overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies. They join together in a shout of praise to His Great Name, and sing out, “He is good! His faithful love endures forever!”

Despite that victorious moment, the people of Israel eventually turned away from the Lord once again, forgetting all He had done for them. With yet another act of love meant to once again draw out His remnant, God sent His precious Son to provide a way back.

Friends, let us be like the people of Israel in this passage, rather than how they were in countless others. Let’s remember all that the Lord has done for His people. Let’s allow that knowledge to stir in us a deep sense of gratitude for the One who always provides, and who always makes a way, and who always preserves for Himself a remnant.

God always keeps a faithful few. May we be counted among them! May we forever be filled with thanksgiving, shouting our praises each day, “He is good! His faithful love endures forever!”