This Day in History: 0000-10-29
October 29- Isaiah 50:4-11
The Sovereign Lord has given me His words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary.
Morning by morning He wakens me and opens my understanding to His will.
The Sovereign Lord has spoken to me, and I have listened.
I have not rebelled or turned away.
I offered my back to those who beat me and my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard.
I did not hide my face from mockery and spitting.
Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.
Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do His will.
And I know that I will not be put to shame.
He who gives me justice is near…
Who among you fears the Lord and obeys His servant?
If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the Lord and rely on your God!
But watch out, you who live in your own light and warm yourselves by your own fires.
This is the reward you will receive from Me: You will soon fall down in great torment.
In my Bible, this passage is labelled, “The Faithful Servant of the Lord.” Does it describe us, dear sisters? Are we women who could be called faithful servants of the Lord? Of course, our ultimate example in this is Jesus Himself and we’ll never live perfectly as He did, but we absolutely can live in the victory of His righteousness! Let’s look to this passage for some basic guidance in how to live a faithful life.
- The faithful servant is guided by the wisdom of the Word of God, so that she knows how to comfort the weary.
Do we study and know His Word? Are we using it to minister to others? Let’s commit today to be faithful students of the Bible. Let’s awaken each day with a hunger and a thirst to know more of Him! Let’s ask Him to open our understanding to His will! - The faithful servant is obedient.
Are we careful to listen when He speaks to us, or are we dismissive of His leadings? Let’s commit to obedience! Let’s listen carefully and follow quickly! - The faithful servant looks to God for justice.
Are we slow to anger? Do we turn the other cheek? Let’s commit to letting God be the one to take up our case. Let’s not constantly stand on the platform of our “rights” but instead, set our faces like a stone – determined to do His will! - The faithful servant need not fear the judgement to come, for she lives in humility!
Are we living in the light of our own glory, or living to glorify God? Let’s resolve to be humble. Let’s live our lives for His glory – always! Let’s trust in the Lord and rely on our God!
Friends, we are the dearly loved daughters of the Lord God Almighty! Let’s throw off anything that might be holding us back and live a life wholly devoted to Him! Let’s be faithful servants of the Lord!