This Day in History: 0000-10-24

October 24 – Mark 1:35-39 

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed. Simon and his companions went to look for Him, and when they found Him, they exclaimed: “Everyone is looking for you!”
Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else – to the nearby villages – so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So He traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving our demons. 

There is so much to learn from the way Jesus lived His life. It was so counter-intuitive! Each time I read through the Gospels, I find myself confounded again and again by what He does. It just isn’t what I would have guessed. And yet, He is the One who lived a sinless life. So I should pay attention and try to live as He did. We all should. 

The obvious thing to pull out of this passage is that Jesus made time for prayer. He was intentional about spending time with His Father. Of course, we all know this. But, are we imitating Him? Are we carving time out of the business to just be quiet and alone with God? It should be of highest priority. May we be obedient! 

Perhaps less obvious, though, is the part of this passage I find surprising: Jesus did not feel obligated to stay with the people until all their needs had been met. He knew His purpose. He knew His Father’s plan. When people had expectations, He had no problem saying, “No, we’re going to do this instead.”  

This first-born people pleaser is left standing with jaw dropped. He said what now? 

There were people waiting for Him. Looking for Him. They had needs. They wanted healing. They wanted to hear Him preach. They wanted to see Him work miracles. They wanted to be set free from their demons. And He. Said. No. 

Why? Because there were other people in other places with those same needs, and He had come to go to them too. He knew His Father had called Him to travel all over Galilee. Preaching, and healing, and setting people free everywhere. He hadn’t been called to stay in one place. So He obeyed. Not people’s expectations, but His Father’s will. 

WOW! Dear sisters, do we have that kind of attitude? Are we motivated by our Father’s will and nothing else? I want to be, but I can’t say I am. Oh how I want to live in the freedom I’ve been given as His dearly loved daughter! 

Lord, make me like You! May You give each of us a clear understanding of Your will for us, and a willingness to be obedient. No matter what people might think.