This Day in History: 0000-10-20
October 20 – 1 Corinthians 15:58
So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.
Do we know that? Do we really believe it?
I can only speak for myself, but I have a very strong feeling I’m not alone here: Sometimes it’s really hard for me to believe that the work I’m doing for the Lord is useful. Of course, when I say it out loud (just as it likely is for you when you read it) it sounds absurd. The deception of the enemy is unveiled and plainly visible as a lie. So why is it so easy to believe at other times?
I think what it boils down to is really pretty simple: I struggle with insecurity. I tend to measure myself using standards that are not God’s – and I rarely measure up! I might determine the usefulness, or success of something by how much money it earns, but that is certainly not God’s way. In fact, He plainly tells us to store up our treasures in heaven, not here on earth! Hello???
How about you? Can you relate? Is it easy for you to start listening to the lies the enemy whispers surrounding your Kingdom work? Whether it’s raising children to love and follow God, or leading a women’s Bible study, or writing a blog, or a hundred other things you might be doing for the cause of Christ, are you easily discouraged?
Let’s end it right now, friends! Let’s commit to allowing the Truth of Scripture to defeat the lies of the enemy! Let’s battle that discouragement and choose instead to always work enthusiastically for the Lord! Let’s be strong and completely immovable – anchored securely to our mighty Rock!
Let’s not just remember, but really, truly, deeply BELIEVE that as His church, NOTHING we do for the Lord is EVER useless! Jesus, I believe, please help my unbelief!