This Day in History: 0000-09-18
September 18 – 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Be on guard.
Stand firm in the faith.
Be courageous.
Be strong.
And do everything with love.
Are we on guard today? Do we take seriously the cunning strength of the enemy? Are we living each and every day engaged in the war that wages all around us? The Bible tells us that our enemy, the Devil, prowls around like a roaring Lion, looking for someone to devour! Do we live our lives with the alertness of one who is being stalked by a killer? The second we start to feel safe, or comfortable; the second we forget the battle and lower our shields is the second he will pounce. The second he will do his best to rip us apart and devour us! Let’s choose to fight another day! Let’s raise our shields and watch with diligence for the attacks that are certain to come. Let’s be ready for them. Let’s be on guard!
Are we standing firm in the faith? There are so many voices out there that seek to pull us away. So many voices trying to cast doubt on the Word of God. It is perfect, my friends! We must find the will to silence, or at least ignore those voices! Let’s be diligent students of the Bible, not because it offers knowledge or prestige, but because it is the life-blood of our faith. It is alive and active and sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword! It will show us who God is and provide a firm foundation on which we can make our stand! Let’s dig our heels deep down into its Truth and allow it to strengthen us so that we will be able to recognize distortions. Let’s be immovable; soundly planted in the Word of God. Let’s stand firm in the faith!
Are we courageous? It’s one thing to know what the Bible says, and to know what God wants us to do. It’s another thing to have the courage to actually do it! Jesus told His followers in the Bible that since the world hated Him, it would hate His followers too. And history has certainly shown that prophecy to be true! All but one (John) of the 12 disciples died a violent martyr’s death. God asked them to start His church. To ignite a revolution that would have a greater impact on history than anything before or since. Those 12 men had the courage to obey. And even though it cost most of them their lives, I doubt a single one of them would change their mind given the opportunity! Choosing obedience is rarely easy. Jesus often asks us to sacrifice a lot as we seek and follow Him. Let’s be courageous!
Are we strong? In Isaiah 40:29 the Bible tells us that God gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, we read that God’s power is made perfect through our weakness, and that His grace is sufficient in every situation. When we are weak, then we are strong in Him. Do we have the humility to admit how powerless we are to handle the trials that stand before us? Will we confess today that we need God? That He is our strength and our shield, an ever present help in times of trouble? Let’s embrace our weakness and allow Him to make us strong!
Are we doing everything with love? Jesus made it pretty clear that it all hinges on love and that to love the Lord our God and to love our neighbors as ourselves are the greatest commandments. In 1 Corinthians 13 we read that no matter what we do for the Lord, if we don’t do it with love then it is worthless. We become resounding gongs, or clanging symbols. We become nothing. In 1 John 4:7-8 we read that love comes from God and that God is love. We learn that if we don’t love one another then we are not children of God. We learn that His children are so loved by their Father that they can’t help but love others. Friends, let’s spread His love today. Let’s let everything we do be done with love!