This Day in History: 0000-05-30
May 30 – John 16:33
I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.
In this verse Jesus is talking to His disciples. He knows the end is near, the time has come for Him to complete His mission. These men have spent the last 3 years with Jesus; following Him, watching Him perform miracles, hearing His parables and teachings, and then having the privilege of hearing them explained more clearly. I hear a sense of urgency in the words of Jesus in this chapter, almost as if He was becoming weary of their lack of understanding and faith. He wants them to know how much they are loved, not just by himself, but by His Father in Heaven. He wants them to experience that peace that He has because He trusts completely in the will and the sovereignty of their loving God. He promises that this world will bring challenges, that this life will bring sorrow, but He wants them to understand that there is something so much bigger; so much grander than this world. He wants them to understand that in God’s perfect plan, Jesus conquers this world and all the sin and grief and death it holds.
Have you allowed the trials in your life to rob your peace? Let’s remember these verses. Jesus already knew all about that! He told us this life would hold trouble and sorrow, but He also told us to take heart, to be encouraged because He has already overcome it all.
Let’s remember who we are today. We are the sons and daughters of our Abba, Father! His dearly loved children! Let’s let go of the sorrows we are holding onto and remember how it all ends. Let’s remember that we’re on the winning team, and allow that knowledge to bring us peace. A peace that passes all understanding!
God’s got this my friend!