This Day in History: 0000-01-01
January 1
2 Timothy 3:16-17 – All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.
Happy New Year!!! I’m so glad you’ve joined me as we start off on this journey through Scripture. Let’s take these first few days of the year to learn a little bit about this Bible we’re studying.
These verses in 2 Timothy tell us that above all else, Scripture is inspired by God. Does the very idea of that send chills down your spine? I hope so! What a privilege it is to have the very words of God at our fingertips! Especially now, when we have such easy access to the entire canon of Scripture in our own language!
I am humbled daily as I read it and hear what God has to say to me through it. What an honor. Let’s each take a moment right now to stop and thank God for His Word.
But these verses don’t stop there. They don’t just tell us that the Bible is inspired. They go on to tell us the purpose of these God given words. This passage goes on to show us how very useful and practical the Bible is.
You see, it’s not just a book to study so we get smarter and impress other believers with our knowledge. Rather, these verses tell us that God uses His Word to teach us what is true and to show us what is wrong in our lives. He uses it to prepare and equip us, His precious children, to do EVERY good work.
What obstacle stands in your way right now? What’s making you feel ill prepared and unequipped?
Won’t you dive with me into God’s Word and search out what He has to say to us? Let’s allow it to show us what is true and point out what is wrong. Let’s ask God to use it to prepare and equip us to face the impossible and to prevail over it through the power He will give us. Let’s dig in!