Unshakable Faith-Lessons from the Life of Joseph
Living Victoriously

Unshakable Faith: Lessons From the Life of Joseph

I’ve always been fascinated by Joseph’s story, but in recent years I feel like I’ve seen more and more each time I’ve read it that I just hadn’t ever noticed before. Isn’t that one of the most wonderful things about the Word of God? It is alive! I can spend the rest of my life reading the same stories over and over again and I will find something new, something relevant to where I am at that moment each time! Here are a few things that about 30 years of reading the story of Joseph have taught me.

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Sabbath Rest and Self-Care - How to Be Still Before God
Living Victoriously

Sabbath Rest and Self-Care

We’ve spent the past two weeks examining the topic of self-care from a Biblical perspective. We learned from the example of Jesus that it is vital for believers to make time to get alone with God on a very regular basis. We learned that good, God-honoring self-care always includes time to draw closer to Him, and to develop our spiritual disciplines. Though, this shouldn’t get in the way of occasional spontaneous opportunities to change our schedule and show compassion. We also learned that our definition of “self” is likely a little smaller than God intends. As believers, we’re part of the body of Christ, which means that taking care of our bodies will include taking care of the church. (And as one comment so perfectly pointed out last week, taking care of our body will also include GOING TO the church for care when we need it.) Today, let’s look at what the Bible has to say about rest, and how that fits in to good self-care.

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Tips to Get Started with In-Depth Bible Study
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

4 Bible Study Tips to Get Started with In-Depth Bible Study

What does your personal Bible study look like? If you’re familiar with this blog at all, it’s no secret to you that I am completely in love with the Word of God! I have spent my life reading and studying it, falling deeper and deeper in love with its life-giving words, and with the One who gave them. My primary mission in writing is, and has always been, to point others to its truth in hopes that it will provide the hope and healing to others that it has brought to me and to my love.
I spend a lot of time showing you what the Bible says about a lot of things, but I think it’s high time I challenge you to learn how to go find those truths for yourselves!

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Biblical Self-Care How to Live Like Jesus
Finding My Identity in Christ

Biblical Self-Care: How to Live Like Jesus

It’s a big buzz word these days – Self-Care. Especially in the world of Betrayal Trauma Recovery. Unfortunately, it’s an idea that’s always kinda rubbed me the wrong way. The concept feels contrary to the self-sacrificing life I’ve always believed I’m called to lead as a follower of Christ.
When the proverbial uh-hum… dookey?… hit the fan, though, I was forced to re-evaluate my beliefs in just about every area of my life. I had to take a magnifying glass to my heart and allow the Word of God to divide out the things that didn’t line up. As I started down the long road to recovery, the idea of self-care seemed to bombard me at every turn. Everyone seemed to be suggesting that I couldn’t heal unless I learned to prioritize self-care. I wasn’t buying it, but finally, I surrendered to God and asked Him to help me find truth.

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How to Love Like Jesus - A New Way to Love
Living Victoriously

How to Love Like Jesus – A New Way to Love

We’re closing out our series on love by learning how to love like Jesus. He brought a new way to love onto the scene, and knowing Jesus changes everything about the way we’re loved and the way we love.

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Blessed is She who has Believed
Finding My Identity in Christ

Blessed is She Who Has Believed

We’ve probably all seen the graphics floating around the internet with the words, “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!” But did you know it is a verse from Luke, and do you know the story surrounding it?

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Thanksgiving Family Traditions Ideas for the Hard Times
Living Victoriously

Thanksgiving Family Traditions Ideas for the Hard Times

I love thanksgiving! It’s my favorite holiday. I look forward to our Thanksgiving family traditions more than any of the habits and rituals surrounding the other special family celebrations. But sometimes the holidays are hard, and when families are fractured by sin and addiction we don’t always feel like spending a day giving thanks. The thing is, these are often the most important times for us to make the choice to adjust our attitudes and cultivate a spirit of gratitude, not just in ourselves, but in our families!
So we’ve put together some fun ideas for thanksgiving family traditions that can be special anytime, but become even more important in the hard times.

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20 Psalms of Thanksgiving and Praise
Discovering Jehovah Rapha

20 Psalms of Thanksgiving and Praise

There are so many praise and thanksgiving scriptures perfect to help us through the holiday season as we seek to align our hearts with a spirit of praise and worship. Here at His Dearly Loved Daughter Ministries, we’re doing a lot to join in and make gratitude our objective. This list of 20 Psalms of thanksgiving and praise is just the beginning!

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Verse of the Day
Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life. Psalms 143:8
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