About His Dearly Loved Daughter Ministries

His Dearly Loved Daughter Ministries is committed to reaching precious daughters of God who have been wounded and broken by sin and point them to identity in the only Source of true healing – the Lord Jesus Christ.
In January of 2017, when I started blogging under the name Esther Hosea, I never would have guessed what God had in store for me and my husband individually or for our marriage, let alone our ministry! At that moment in time, sexual addiction and betrayal trauma dominated our life. It seemed like the only thing our story would ever be about. A healthy, God-honoring marriage seemed like a lost dream, or an ideal too far off to achieve. And personal wholeness seemed all tied up in that too. I felt hopless…lost…completely alone.
But God...
Truthfully, starting the blog was simply an act of obedience. God very clearly asked me to do it, and with Steve’s full support, I obeyed. At first it seemed like a tool for my own healing more than anything else. As I sought God, and faithfully wrote what He laid on my heart (digging into Scripture to be sure everything lined up), I found myself set free from a lifetime of misconceptions about love and marriage. My world was rocked as I recognized the idols I had made of things like marriage, my husband, and “being good.”
At the same time, Steve was digging into Scripture on his own. Facing off with his own idols: self, pride, and lust. God began re-writing his understanding of just about everything and bringing him to a state of total repentance and surrender.
Over the next few years God taught both of us so much about our identity in Him, about how to communicate with one another, and about what a God-honoring marriage REALLY looks like. At the same time, He systematically brought people into our lives who needed the answers we were finding as much as we did, and He asked us to share what we were learning for His glory. It is from there that our ministry has grown. Each step has simply been God’s work in placing a need before us and asking us to trust Him and in obedience, fill it.
The fact is, we just never know what God has in store for us. When we make the choice to surrender wholly to His will for our lives, things change. He shows up in big ways. He moves mountains. He slowly (and often painfully) sanctifies us, making us more and more like Jesus. He takes our mess and remakes it into something beautiful – Something that brings glory and honor to His great Name!
After nearly half a decade of writing here at His Dearly Love Daughter Ministries, sharing affair recovery content, personal healing content, and various Bible studies all in one place, we decided it was getting a little convoluted around here. We needed a way to separate out the affair recovery content from everything else and give it its own home. So, in the fall of 2021 we created a new site: Broken Vows, Restored Hearts. Our recovery story and all the posts about healing from infidelity got moved over there. And we’re adding a lot of new stuff all the time too!
Now, this site is dedicated, not just to those broken by betrayal, but all women who suffer from the brokenness of this world who are looking to find healing and wholeness in Christ. There are lots of Bible studies and blog posts, all meant to point us to God and inspire us to live a life of obedience and surrender. After all, we are His dearly loved daughters! Shouldn’t that change the way we live?
It as been quite the ride, and I truly cannot wait to see what God is going to do next! May I forever be His humble servant.
Here are some fun, candid shots of us and our family. Because we’re just regular people, seeking God together. We hope you’ll join us!
My Personal Testimony

Cherith Brooke Peters
I was raised in a Christian home and spent my earliest years on the mission field in Brazil where my parents served with New Tribes Missions. (Now Ethnos 360) It was there that I gave my life to Jesus. I attended a boarding school for missionary kids, and as I lay in my bed one night I remember thinking about all the deep things of life that occupy the mind of a first grader. I realized that while I knew a lot (for a 7 year old) about God and the Bible, I wasn’t really sure I had ever moved beyond that knowledge and repented of my sins, surrendering my life to God. Well, I wasn’t about to wait another minute. I prayed right then and there, asking God to forgive me for my sinfulness and be my Lord and Savior. I’ve been His dearly loved daughter ever since!
Less than a year later, when I was about eight years old, my parents came back to the USA to “work out some marital issues.” Within a year they separated, then divorced several years after that. My Mom had the difficult job of raising me and my brother alone and did her best to continue to point us to God even though our circumstances were less than ideal. Her passion for the Word of God is, without question, where I found my inspiration to dig in for myself. It changed my life forever as I fell in love with God and His Word. What a foundation on which to build a life!
Steve and I met when I was 16. It didn’t take long for us to hit it off, and he has been “my love” ever since. I am so thankful to have married my best friend, and the love of my life. Even in the worst of it, he has always been my favorite person in the world! There is no one I’d rather spend my life with. I do not take that rare and precious gift for granted, and praise God for it!
We married young and God blessed us with kids right away, allowing me the opportunity to stay home and dedicate my time to caring for them. No matter what other things God leads me to do in my life, the title of “Mom” will forever be my most cherished ministry role. Our three kids are amazing and I couldn’t be more proud of who they are and who they’re becoming. I love them with all that I am!
Though the circumstances that brought me to create His Dearly Loved Daughter Ministries were awful, I am so thankful for what God has grown from it. Our marriage is stronger than ever, our love deeper, our family more stable, and most importantly, my relationship with God has reached levels of deep intimacy it likely would never have known without the pain.
Which is why I am so thankful to forever be His dearly loved daughter!
We’d love to connect with you further on these social media platforms. (Facebook is the best place to get to know us better, and we also offer several resources there.)