Joshua the Warrior featured image
Living Victoriously

Joshua the Warrior

We’re working our way through a study of the life of Joshua. So far we’ve seen him as a servant leader under Moses in the first part, and then as a brand new leader, standing firm in faith at the walls of Jericho in the second. Now, in this third part, we find a new and terrifying role for him as Joshua the warrior comes to the forefront. God had taken more than 40 years to prepare him for a job only one person so far in history has done: lead the people of Israel into the promised land to conquer it. I often think this massive task is seemingly forgotten (or at least overshadowed by other stories), but it was a huge job! As Joshua emerged from the shadows, executing justice in obedience to God, we find he was a beast! After so many years as a quiet observer, Joshua steps up with an unexpected amalgam of character qualities, all relevant to those of us working to heal from the wounds of sexual addiction.

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Verse of the Day
Unless the Lord had helped me, I would soon have settled in the silence of the grave.  I cried out, "I am slipping!" but Your unfailing love, oh Lord, supported me.  When doubts filled my mind, Your comfort gave me  renewed hope and cheer!  Psalm 94:17-19
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